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My Story

I am a Pacific Northwest transplant and a Southern gal at heart. I was born in Decatur, Alabama during the height of the civil rights movement, and raised in Texas and Louisiana. I had a wonderful childhood and a wonderful family. They are not to blame for my crazy. My traumas were fortunately few, and mostly of my own making.

Then in 2017, my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and my mother's dementia  soon followed. I became my parents' primary caregiver (with my sister's help) for several years until they passed during the pandemic lockdown. This experience turned me inside out, giving me some of the most rewarding and beautiful days of my life, along with the darkest days of grief.

My parents were my best friends.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself after I lost them.

I began writing, really, to save my own life.


I find inspiration in the beauty and brutality of the world, and in

my relationships with the people I love.

I write to find the larger meaning in what it means to be human.

I write to heal myself and hope that by sharing my experience,

it may help someone else to heal.


It took me nearly forty years to find my voice.

I found that I have something to say.

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